Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Beaut-e-News Flash: Start your Mary Kay business for only $50*. Earn extra cash now!

Mary Kay® - Enriching Women's Lives(SM); Beaut-e-News® Flash: October 2009
Earn extra cash for the holidays and beyond!
'Tis the perfect season to start putting an extra jingle in your holiday pocket selling products women love. The October Opportunity offer gives you the perfect reason to start your business now with special savings discounts, bonuses and all the perks of a Mary Kay® business. Earn 50% on everything you sell**; Work the hours you want; Be your own boss; Get the education that can help you succeed
To get all the October Opportunity details, visit my Mary Kay® Personal Web Site or contact me now.
Limited time! Oct. 1-31
Get started now!


©2009 Mary Kay Inc.

* Plus shipping, handling and tax
** 50 percent gross profit calculation based on suggested retail prices.

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